Small Church Voices: February 2025 Edition

It is diocesan council season here in our neck of the woods, and I am freshly returned from two councils (Diocese of Texas and Diocese of West Texas) full of good news about little churches.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to hear so many stories from small-church leaders about the work you are doing in your communities. From food pantries and “share sheds” to cold-weather shelters and lay-led pastoral care circles, small churches are embodying “loaves and fishes” faith by using what they have to multiply Christ’s Gospel of radical hospitality.

As we approach Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent, I am reminded about the liberating power of facing the truth about ourselves so that we can live more fully into the truth about God. So what if we are small and finite? God’s love for us is big and always enough. Small churches help me remember the miracles that are possible when we offer what we have to God. Thank you for encouraging me with your witness.

Read more here: Small Church Voices, February 2025 Edition