As Christians, we can experience a different kind of hope and peace as we navigate the waters of death and the chaos that can often happen in families or relationships. The church has a history of writers who faced this dilemma of life and death with courage, and they left readers vast documents and texts to read and study. We will explore the works of these writers, and consider what they might mean for Christian spirituality. Short videos and readings will be supplied, and group engagement will be encouraged for the benefit of all who attend. Illness and death are difficult topics, but ones that all people will face when life comes to a close. Christian leaders can be skilled in gently carrying others during this crucial time with hope in the presence and peace of God.

Instructor: Sally Lombardo, DMinn., Chaplain

Day/Time: Mondays, 5:30p-6:30p CDT

Dates: September 9-November 11